Contacts and Opening Hours

St John the Evangelist CE Voluntary Aided Primary School 
Bluebell Way, 
Shilton Park, 
OX18 1JF 

Tel: (01993) 843124
Fax: (01993) 845645


Headteacher: Mr Mark Smith

Chair of Governors: Mr Mark Winch

Special Educational Needs Coordinator: Mrs Gemma Challender

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Joanna Stainer

Office Manager: Sandra Roebuck

Please contact any member of the school office staff if you have an queries or would like to visit the school.

Contractors and Visitors Information Brochure - please click on the link below:

Contractors and Visitors Information Brochure


The school day starts at 8.45am when registration begins.

The school day ends at 3.15pm.

Total teaching time: 32.5 hours a week

Our breakfast club is open from 7.45am and our after-school club runs until 5.15pm