It is the primary aim of our school that every member of the school community feels valued and respected, and that each person is treated fairly. The school behaviour policy is designed so that all members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where everyone feels happy, safe and secure and where everyone can learn to be the best they can be. Our behaviour policy is based on a clear and fair system with consistent boundaries and routines. It supports pupils in developing into responsible young citizens who contribute positively to their local community and beyond.
Principles underpinning the Behaviour Policy
The purpose of this statement is to provide guidance for the headteacher in drawing up the school’s behaviour policy so that it reflects the shared aspirations and beliefs of the Governing Body, staff, parents and pupils in the school, as well as taking full account of law and guidance on behaviour matters.
- Every pupil understands that they and others have the right to be respected, to learn and to feel safe at school.
- Our school is an inclusive school; bullying, harassment and victimisation are unacceptable. All members of our school community should be free from discrimination of any sort.
- It is expected that all staff, governors and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times.
- Pupils are helped to take responsibility and learn from their actions. The school behaviour policy will detail the restorative approaches that support this process.
- The behaviour policy will ensure that there are measures to encourage good behaviour, self-discipline and respect, and prevent all forms of bullying. The policy is understood by all pupils and staff and consistently applied.
- The school will work in partnership with parents to encourage positive behaviour. Where there are concerns overs a pupil’s behaviour, the school will work with parents/carers to agree common strategies between home and school.
- The school will seek advice and support from external agencies to identify any underlying and unidentified needs and use individualised behaviour plans, where appropriate.
- Exclusion will only be used as a last resort; the behaviour policy will outline the school’s position on permanent and fixed-term exclusions, as well as the use of physical intervention.
- The school recognises its legal duty under the Equality Act 2010 to prevent pupils with protected characteristics from being disadvantaged. Consequently, the school recognises that strategies to support behaviour may be differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils.
- The school takes its responsibility to safeguard children and promote their welfare extremely seriously. The behaviour policy will reflect this duty and commitment.
The governing body also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.
Click here to download the school Behaviour Policy
'Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to learning are exemplary. Pupils are deeply engrossed and highly motivated in lessons.' OFSTED 2020