

Principles of Assessment at St John the Evangelist CE Primary School

Within all our work on assessment we are guided by these principles:

  • All assessment is a true reflection of where children are in their learning.
  • Everything we do as part of the assessment process has an impact on learning and progress.
  • Children, parents and staff have a clear picture of what children can do and what they need to do next.
  • Assessment processes are accessible to all: everyone understands the system and its purpose.

Our Approach to Assessment

Children’s ongoing progress will be assessed and formally recorded at three points in the year in relation to the expectations for their year group as detailed in the National Curriculum.

The majority of pupils will progress through the curriculum content at the same pace with the expectation that most achieve the ‘secure’ standard for their age group by the end of the year.

Pupils are assessed in all subjects of the National Curriculum each term so that teachers and school leaders can monitor the progress pupils are making against the end points defined in our curriculum.

Assessment Criteria

The links below provide information on the year group objectives children will be assessed against in English and Maths. These are presented as year group expectations. Some children may be working on objectives from a year group below or above their chronological age.


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6


Statutory Assessment in Year 2 and Year 6

The government have released interim assessment frameworks for 2016. The links below provide the criteria for how schools must teacher assess pupils at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 this year.

In addition to teacher assessment, pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 will undertake a range of tests in May.

Year 2

Reading Writing Maths

Year 6

 Reading Writing Maths


Department of Education Parent Advise

 Multiplication Tables Check

2025 Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests

Assessment Results at the end of Key Stage 2

Phonics Screening Check

Reception Baseline Assessment