Caring for Others ✝ Achieving Excellence
“Every child is an artist.” Pablo Picasso
In our school the teaching of art and design develops in pupils the self-belief needed to be creative. Creativity, through art, craft and design is valued and celebrated by the school community.
Our art and design curriculum engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They are taught how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. We encourage children to develop their creative and imaginative talents through learning skills and techniques and using a variety of materials and tools. They learn to appreciate works of art and use artistic language to describe paintings, sculptures and other artefacts.
Read the full intent, implementation and impact statement for art and design here
Curriculum Plans
Click the link below to download the curriculum long term overview and skills progression for Art
Progression of Practical Knowledge (Skills) for the teaching of Art and Design
Knowledge of Artists by Year Group
Click the link below to download the Learning Journeys for Art and Design
Year 1 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term
Year 1 Art Learning Journey - Spring Term
Year 1 Art Learning Journey - Summer Term
Year 2 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term
Year 2 Art Learning Journey - Spring Term
Year 2 Art Learning Journey - Summer Term
Year 3 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term
Year 3 Art Learning Journey - Spring Term
Year 3 Art Learning Journey - Summer Term
Year 4 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term
Year 4 Art Learning Journey - Spring Term
Year 4 Art Learning Journey - Summer Term
Year 5 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term
Year 5 Art Learning Journey - Spring Term
Year 5 Art Learning Journey - Summer Term
Year 6 Art Learning Journey - Autumn Term