Caring for Others ✝ Achieving Excellence
“Life without music would be a mistake.” Friedrich Nietzsche
In our school the teaching of music inspires pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. Opportunities to experience and play music promotes team working, concentration and problem-solving skills, and developing identity and improving social cohesion within the school and wider community.
Music is an integral part of life at our school. Music lessons are fun and inspiring, engaging the children with songs, lyrics and movement. We want children to feel able to be reflective and expressive, developing their own appreciation of music with the opportunities we provide as a school. All children are actively encouraged and given the opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument whether it be within music lessons, or within the weekly Years 5 brass lessons delivered by a visiting music specialist. Musical opportunities in school include weekly class music lessons, composer of the term, weekly singing in collective worship and after-school club choir. Furthermore, children have opportunity to take part in a variety of performances both within and beyond school including singing at community events and national events such as Young Voices.
Click on the links below to download the year group Music Learning Journeys
Music Knowledge and Skills Progression
The Interrelated Dimension of Music Progression
Music Development Plan
As set out in the national plan for music education, all schools should have a music development plan. As an Oxfordshire Music Mark school, St John's uses the OCC Pitch Up evaluation tool to review our music provision and to plan how this can be further improved.