
The school promotes excellent school attendance, recognising the clear links between attendance and attainment, and attendance and safeguarding children. Our aim is for all the children on roll to attend school every day, provided that they are fit and healthy enough to do so.

Parents and carers are asked only to withdraw their child from school if it is absolutely unavoidable. The school monitors the attendance of individual children meeting with parents where there is a concern.

Click here to view: The School Attendance Policy

Procedures for Absence


If your child is not well enough to attend school, please let us know as soon as possible on the day by telephone (01993 843124) or e-mail ( The school may ask about your child’s illness, as serious contagious diseases such as chicken pox might have implications for other children and their families.

Medical Appointments

We would expect medical and dental appointments to take place outside school hours, but if children do need to be taken out of school to attend such appointments please ensure you inform the School Office in advance and supply a copy of the appointment letter. All children leaving school during the school day must be signed out at the School Office when they leave and then signed in when they return.


It is very important that your child is punctual in arriving at school. Before registration children engage in a range of activities to practise key skills of times table, number recall and spellings. If your child is late for any reason, please sign them in at the School Office.

Other Absences

If, exceptionally, you know that your child is going to be absent from school for any period of time (even if it is only part of a day) please seek the Headteacher’s authorisation in advance by completing the Authorised Absence Request Form available from the School Office. The Government and the school wish to discourage pupils from missing lessons and as such holiday request during term time cannot be authorised.