Caring for Others ✝ Achieving Excellence
At the start of each session the children are encouraged to come in and hang up their coats and bags and join in with continuous provision inside or complete a simple morning task. We then join on the carpet and start the session with our Hello and Days of the Week song followed by short movement time.
The day will consist of a mixture of short whole class teaching sessions where the children learn and build new skills and then have opportunities to apply this knowledge in a variety of play situations supported by the adults. Children have the opportunity to apply their learning in a wide range of activities that are accessible for extended periods, allowing the children to independently develop what they have learnt.
We use a mix of topic-based learning and 'in the moment learning' which follows a child’s own interests to develop their learning. The Nursery staff build a solid knowledge of each child and their next steps of learning so that these can be encouraged through various learning opportunities.
We take photographs of our learning and the children's achievements, and these are added to our classroom displays to celebrate our learning. This is then all added to the children’s individual learning journeys and our floor book to show our Learning Journey throughout the year. We also add photographs, observations and next steps to Tapestry to share with parents.
Long term curriculum plan for Nursery
Parent curriculum overviews and termly information for parents
'Staff are expertly skilled in ensuring that children develop strong language skills and an understanding of the world.' OFSTED 2020 |