Caring for Others ✝ Achieving Excellence
Children develop a range of gross and fine motor movements in a variety of ways through structured Physical Education sessions in addition to daily continuous provision, play and exploration.
In Nursery we promote independence in the children’s daily routines to enable them with the skills needed to support the transition to Reception. This includes building confidence when getting dressed, toileting and managing their own personal hygiene.
We expect the children to select their own resources to help them with an activity, we encourage the children to seek support when they need it, but we also promote perseverance and independence to explore new experiences.
During our daily snack times children are introduced to a variety of foods and discussions about healthy food choices and where our food comes from.
In Nursery and Reception, we continue to develop the key pre-cursive skills which lead to well-developed pencil control, accurate letter formation therefore, building strong and confident writers.
We also develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of how to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle through making healthy choices and looking after our own personal hygiene and oral health.