Caring for Others ✝ Achieving Excellence
We encourage the children to build their independence and come into the cloakroom by themselves before joining the class to complete a morning job with a fine motor or literacy focus on the carpet. After we have completed the morning register, children have phonics in small, differentiated groups followed by a mixture of short teaching sessions on the carpet, small group activities or independent learning activities to apply their learning. Staff are on hand to support and extend learning as well as record the children’s achievements through observation notes and photos which are recorded on Tapestry, in individual learning journeys, on display and in our floor book.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children learn in a variety of ways, this is to ensure the children access a broad and varied curriculum. At this early stage in their education children learn through play. Activities and experiences are planned around the children’s needs and interests through indoor and outdoor provision. We strive to motivate children's learning and development by allowing children to take ownership of their own learning by initiating ideas and making decisions. We encourage children to share their interests and curiosities to incorporate this into the learning opportunities and make the learning meaningful and in context to the children. The key role of adults is to facilitate learning through questioning and support rather than leading ideas.
We aim to provide a stimulating and exciting environment, which meets the differing needs of each child and where everyone feels happy and secure. Our learning environment enables children to develop their independence and realise their potential to gain from each learning opportunity. The learning environments are also rich in vocabulary and resources to assist the children with their learning as well as being stimulating to encourage children’s imaginations and creativity. Children are given every opportunity to explore different learning environments in a free flow capacity. Children are supported in each area through continuous provision, adult initiated and child-initiated activities to engage and inspire their enquiry and learning through play with their peers. Play is a vital part of the learning process and is key to ensure success.
Long term curriculum plan for Reception
Parent curriculum overviews and termly information for parents
'Staff are expertly skilled in ensuring that children develop strong language skills and an understanding of the world.' OFSTED 2020 |